Regensburg Silhouette

Stronger together!

True to Goal 17 of the SDGs "Partnerships for achieving the goals", Regensburg Tourismus GmbH together with the Coordinator for Community Development Policy of the Town of Regensburg and the Catholic University Community of the Diocese of Regensburg put their heads together and fine-tuned an idea for an update of the website www.regensburg-nachhaltig.degefeilt. The aim was to create a platform, or rather a kind of directory, which contains all sustainable, fair, regional, and organic contact points in Regensburg.

  • Based on the original "Stattplan" map, the idea was initiated to develop a new revised map or sustainable town plan.
  • In August 2021, meetings were held with the various groups (Green Office, Town, Transition, Sustainability Network, Steering Group, etc.) to review various existing criteria catalogs, such as Treeday, Kartevonmorgen, Future Coop.
  • Community development coordinator Michael Grein took up the idea in September 2021 and linked it to funding to implement the ideas already in place.
  • Since March 2022, Michael Grein, Rena Kagerer, and Carolyn Molski have been working on a concept for the implementation of a new map and thus an update of the website.
  • On June 27, 2022, the first workshop was held as part Sustainability Week, to collect further ideas for sustainable places / businesses / contact points. With the help of participants, the categories of the existing website could be revised and supplemented.
  • In cooperation with regional representatives, a conference was held on November 8, 2022 at the Degginger, and the final concept for the new map was presented at a joint fair network breakfast. To demonstrate the need for such a map in Regensburg, they not only invited people to participate, but also called for a panel discussion. Prof. Dr. Barfuß moderated the event at which piquant questions were also asked by the audience, from goldsmiths andres&zimmermann, the Café Jolie, the Studentenwerk, the Weltladen and the Ökomodellregion, among others. The event ended with a rousing appeal from Ms. Thiele, managing director of RTG, to take the path of small steps together. RTG supports partner companies in sustainable certification
  • Since November 30, 2022, the newly updated digital sustainability map is online and was officially presented as part of the 10-year anniversary of "Fairtrade Town of Regensburg".
  • To introduce the new map to the citizens of Regensburg, Regensburg Tourismus GmbH, the town of Regensburg, and the Campusgemeinde (KHG) invited to a free coffee tasting on December 3, 2022 on the Rathausplatz. In addition to free fair trade coffee, there was also an SDG wheel of fortune and Santa Claus had a surprise or two in store for the little ones (and big ones).
  • On December 5, 2022, the promotion of the new map started with a poster campaign at bus stops.


Like all great projects, this is only possible with help.
We would like to thank the following supporters:

Regensburg Silhouette