AltstadtQuartier Hotel Münchner Hof ****

In many places in the AltstadtQuartier Münchner Hof, there are traces of long-gone architectural styles that bear witness to centuries of building history. Gothic wooden ceilings, baroque floors, medieval supporting beams and various door arches. Restoration work in the 20th and 21st centuries not only uncovered these details, but also restored them to their original use wherever possible. To this day, you enter a modern hotel room through the low medieval archway, while small baroque doors still close. In the Middle Ages, a massive stone tower offered the safest protection against the dreaded town fires. The living rooms, on the other hand, were made of wood. You usually find horizontally layered beams with thick corner posts. This was the traditional type of timber construction in Regensburg. However, only the wealthy patrician families could afford this type of residential tower and wooden parlors. They were the good parlors of the fine people. Only a few of these so-called Bohlenstuben have been completely preserved. There is one of these Bohlenstuben in the AltstadtQuartier Münchner Hof, which was discovered in 1994 during renovation work. It is almost completely preserved and has been integrated into the hotel business.

Sustainability score:


Opening hours:

0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr
0-24 Uhr


zum Unternehmen


0049 941 58440

9/15 Sustainability criteria met

The sustainability ring shows the degree of fulfillment of each criteria.

  • 34%
    Sustainability score


  • 10%
    Fair trade products
  • 30%
    Organic products
  • 50%
    Regional hergestellte Produkte (Umkreis bis 100km)
  • 50%
    Seasonal food
  • 50%
    Vegetarian food
  • 30%
    Vegan food
  • 0%
  • 0%
    Easy language / digital accessibility
  • 100%
    Climate protection measure: 100% green power
  • 0%
    Climate protection measure: 100% LED lighting
  • 0%
    Climate protection measure to avoid food waste (cooperation with Foodsharing, Tafel, ToGoodToGo or similar)
  • 0%
    Climate protection measure to avoid packaging waste (reusable packaging such as ReCup, VYTAL or similar)
  • 0%
    Climate protection measure: use of sustainable textiles (e.g. bed linen, towels and other textiles made of Fairtrade certified cotton)
  • 100%
    Sustainability certification (e.g. EMAS, TourCert, or similar)
  • 100%
    Charging facility for e-cars and e-bikes

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