Ferienwohnung am Sand
Healthy vacation in the Upper Palatinate As part of a biologically healthy, ecologically sustainable wood-loam house, the ecologically sustainable "Ferienwohnung am Sand" in Pettendorf, looking out over above the rooftops of Regensburg, offers a healthy indoor climate with loam walls, solid wooden floors, and built with as few chemical building materials as possible. You sleep above a floor with wood-loam insulation and below a wooden beam ceiling. Our heating and hot water rely on solar thermal energy in combination with a masonry wood-burner. We obtain electricity from the green electricity provider Bavariastrom. Just 400m away at the PettenDorfladen you can also get a unique breakfast basket – full of unpackaged regional products. You can then enjoy this in your own patio or bee-friendly garden. Upon request, your host family will organize e-bikes or an e-car.
Sustainability score:
Opening hours:
4/15 Sustainability criteria met
The sustainability ring shows the degree of fulfillment of each criteria.
23%Sustainability score
0%Fair trade products
0%Organic products
50%Regional hergestellte Produkte (Umkreis bis 100km)
0%Seasonal food
0%Vegetarian food
0%Vegan food
0%Easy language / digital accessibility
100%Climate protection measure: 100% green power
100%Climate protection measure: 100% LED lighting
0%Climate protection measure to avoid food waste (cooperation with Foodsharing, Tafel, ToGoodToGo or similar)
100%Climate protection measure to avoid packaging waste (reusable packaging such as ReCup, VYTAL or similar)
0%Climate protection measure: use of sustainable textiles (e.g. bed linen, towels and other textiles made of Fairtrade certified cotton)
0%Sustainability certification (e.g. EMAS, TourCert, or similar)
0%Charging facility for e-cars and e-bikes