Historische Wurstkuchl
Right next to the Old Stone Bridge, the Historische Wurstkuchl (sausage kitchen) has stood for over 500 years. As early as the Middle Ages, Regensburgers fortified themselves there, and much has remained the same to this day.
Sustainability score:
Opening hours:
0941 46621-0
1/14 Sustainability criteria met
The sustainability ring shows the degree of fulfillment of each criteria.
7%Sustainability score
0%Fair trade products
0%Organic products
0%Regional hergestellte Produkte (Umkreis bis 100km)
0%Seasonal food
0%Vegetarian food
0%Vegan food
0%Easy language / digital accessibility
0%Climate protection measure: 100% green power
0%Climate protection measure: 100% LED lighting
0%Climate protection measure to avoid food waste (cooperation with Foodsharing, Tafel, ToGoodToGo or similar)
0%Climate protection measure to avoid packaging waste (reusable packaging such as ReCup, VYTAL or similar)
0%Climate protection measure: CO2-neutral delivery possible with Regensburg delivery service
0%Sustainability certification (e.g. EMAS, TourCert, or similar)